FrontPage reports today of a jihad summer camp, “ISNA’s Jihad Summer Camp”, currently underway at the YMCA-Akron CampY-Noah in Clinton, OH. The camp is sponored by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), one of the organizations recently listed as unindicted co-conspirator by federal prosecutors in the HAMAS terrorist financing trail underway in Texas. Those same prosecutors also identify ISNA as an active Muslim Brotherhood front, and its associations with the Saudi Wahhabi lobby have been well documented elsewhere.
As the article notes, the 2007 ISNA summer camp features a number of extremist speakers, including Jamal Badawi, one of ISNA’s top officials. Badawi may be speaking on a number of his favorite topics:
- Polygamy (it’s consistent with “Islam’s realistic view of the nature of man and women and of the various social needs, problems, and cultural variations”);
- Wife-beating (It’s OK as long as it’s never on the face);
- Acceptable conditions for suicide bombings (permitted as long as its for “repelling unprovoked aggression or resisting severe oppression);
- Justification for executing Muslim apostates (as long as it’s for treason against the Islamic state).
Be sure to read the whole article.