On the left is Anisa Abd El Fattah, who is a known HAMAS operative; on the right is Caroline Keeble, who was interviewed for an open position earlier this year on the Columbus Public School Board. Unfortunately, they are the same person.
Hamas: Coming to a School Board Near You?
By Patrick Poole
Exactly how did a known Hamas operative obtain an interview with and almost get appointed to the Columbus, Ohio Public School Board, which oversees one of the largest school districts in the country? And what does this incident tell us about the domestic terror threat and the process of radicalization happening right now in the US?
Those were the questions raised during my research for an article I recently wrote titled “Hamas in the House .” It revealed that a woman named Anisa Abd El Fattah was scheduled to speak at an “interfaith” event to be held in the atrium of the Ohio State Capitol later this month. Not only was Fattah past president of the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), an organization founded by Specially Designated Global Terrorist Mousa Abu Marzook and described by another convicted terror leader as “the political command for Hamas in the United States,” but she also co-authored two books with current Hamas spokesman Ahmed Yousef. Yousef fled the US in 2005 to avoid prosecution and immediately reappeared as one of the top leaders of Hamas. He has been described by one Middle Eastern newspaper as “The Smiling Face of Hamas.”
Additionally, for more than a decade Fattah was a paid consultant to convicted terror leader Abdurahman Alamoudi’s now defunct American Muslim Council, as well as a founding board member of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, as FBI agent Lara Burns revealed this summer during the Holy Land Foundation trial, was founded as part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and thereby directly connected to Hamas.
During the research I conducted for that previous article, I discovered that Fattah had been one of thirty-two candidates who applied for an open position on the Columbus Public School Board, and that she had made it far along enough in the process to become one of fifteen individuals who actually received an interview by the board.
How did Fattah’s extensive terror-connected credentials escape the notice of the school board screeners and the media who covered the candidates for the open position?
[read the rest at PJM]