Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Terrorist Sympathizer Tossed

The Abukar Arman saga continues this morning at FrontPage, “Terrorist Sympathizer Tossed from Homeland Security Panel”.

Here’s a quick summary:
  • Abukar Arman is cleared by Columbus Dispatch after pseudo-investigation, but is still forced to resign from Criminal Justice Planning Board overseeing the Office of Homeland Security and Justice Programs. Also loses adult education job at Columbus Public Schools. CPS says FrontPage has nothing to do with it; Arman complains it does.

  • County Commissioners obstruct Open Records Act request on the matter while passing same information to media establishment allies at Columbus Dispatch. Can a lawsuit or criminal charges be far behind?

  • CAIR seethes and nutroots wail.

  • New revelations are about to emerge about Abukar Arman, Ahmad Al-Akhras and their business partners.
Stay tuned for updates!